Approved September 15, 2016

Administrative policies may be exported as a pdf.

These Administrative Policies are meant to supplement the Region VIII Bylaws. Therefore, the Bylaws must be consulted in conjunction with the policies below. In the case of any conflicts, the Bylaws overrule Administrative Policies.

I. Officer Position Descriptions

A. Chair

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

As chief executive officer of NCURA Region VIII, the Chair, in collaboration with regional leadership:

  • Maintains general oversight of and responsibility for all Region VIII activities and all officers and committee chairs.
  • Convenes, sets agendas for, and chairs Executive Committee (also referred to as the Regional Board) meetings.
  • In agreement with the Board, it creates ad hoc committees, appoints members to regional committees, fill vacancies in regional offices.
  • Appoints an Event Chair for the Annual Regional Event following a call for interest.
  • Presides over Executive Committee and Business Meetings at the NCURA and Annual Regional Events. Serves as the primary regional contact with the NCURA National Office and makes recommendations to National Office regarding national committee appointments and nominations, as requested.
  • In the event of dereliction of duty of other elected officers, is empowered to ask the Executive Committee to vote to depose said officer.
  • Provides oversight of the Region VIII budget and financial activities (in collaboration with Treasurer).
  • Liaises with the NCURA Global, NCURA Global Working Group and the Global Community.
  • Forward an electronic ballot of 1-2 candidates for vacant officer positions, as specified in the bylaws.
  • Notify all candidates of the result of the ballot and report the results to the National Council’s Executive Director and to the Region membership.

Serves a one-year term as Chair immediately following a term as Chair-Elect and followed by a one-year term as immediate past chair.


  • Knowledge and/or Skills: Must be familiar with NCURA from both a national and regional perspective. Previous experience with NCURA Region VIII activities is desirable. Research administration experience is required.
  • Ability to work as a team member on both Regional and National levels.
  • Education and/or Experience: Must be a member of Region VIII. Familiarity with research administration issues or specific expertise in a particular specialty area within the profession is desirable.
  • Travel to the national NCURA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. and to the Annual Regional Event is encouraged.

B. Chair-Elect

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

As an executive officer of NCURA Region VIII, the Chair-Elect, working closely with the Chair, in collaboration with regional leadership:

  • The Chair-Elect will fill in for the Chair and preside over the Region VIII events as requested and necessary.
  • If the Chair of Region VIII is unable to complete the term for any reason, the Chair-Elect will assume the duties of the Chair.
  • Liaises with the NCURA Global, NCURA Global Working Group and the Global Community.

Serves a one-year term as Chair-Elect followed by as Chair which in turn is followed by a one-year term as immediate past chair.


  • Knowledge and/or Skills: Must be familiar with NCURA from both a national and regional perspective. Previous experience with NCURA Region VIII activities is desirable. Research administration experience is required.
  • Ability to work as a team member on both Regional and National levels.
  • Education and/or Experience: Must be a member of Region VIII. Familiarity with research administration issues or specific expertise in a particular specialty area within the profession is desirable.
  • Travel to the national NCURA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. and to the Annual Regional Event is encouraged.

C. Immediate Past Chair

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

As a full member of the Region VIII Executive Committee, the Immediate Past Chair, in collaboration with regional leadership:

  • Advises the Chair, Chair-Elect and other members of the Region VIII Executive Committee about all regional business and activities.
  • Chairs the Regional NLDC


  • Knowledge and/or Skills: Previous experience as Region VIII Chair required. Research administration experience is required.
  • Education and/or Experience: Must be a member of Region VIII. Familiarity with research administration issues or specific expertise in a particular specialty area within the profession is desirable.
  • Travel to the national NCURA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. and to the Annual Regional Event is encouraged.

D. Treasurer

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

The Treasurer, working closely with the Chair, in collaboration with regional leadership:

  • Makes required reports to Regional Members at National NCURA Annual Meeting, Regional Annual Meeting, and as called for by the Regional Membership, the Chair of Region VIII and/or the National Office.
  • Has responsibility for any program or activity involving the commitment of Regional funds and budget.
  • Conducts financial activities of the Region in conjunction with the Regional Chair.
  • Provides an annual budget to National office every January and participates in Regional financial audits as assigned by National Office.
  • Completes and submits to National Office Regional Treasurer’s Yearly 990 Summary.
  • Represents the region on National and Regional committees and task forces as needed.
  • Supervise in regional budgetary process with Event Chair for Annual Regional Events.
  • Participates as a member of the Region VIII Executive Committee and other Ad-Hoc Committees as assigned.
  • Delegates, trains and mentors the Treasurer-Elect to ensure a smooth transition when term expires.

Serves a two-year term as Treasurer immediately following a term as Treasurer Elect.


  • Knowledge and/or Skills: Understanding of financial statements and ability for logical decision making. Good communication and analytical skills. Ability to work as a team member on both Regional and National levels.
  • Education and/or Experience: Must be a member of Region VIII. Financial background with budget and reporting emphasis.
  • Travel to the national NCURA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. is encouraged as well as travel to the Annual Regional Event.

E. Treasurer-Elect

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

The Treasurer-Elect will assist the Treasurer, working closely with the Chair, in collaboration with regional leadership:

  • Assists with any program or activity involving the commitment of Regional funds and budget.
  • Assists with required reports to Regional Membership at National NCURA Annual Meeting, Annual Regional Event, and as called for by the Regional Membership, the Chair of Region VIII and/or the National Office.
  • Assists with conducting financial activities of the Region in conjunction with the Regional Chair and the Treasurer.
  • Assists with providing an annual budget to National Office every January and participates in Regional financial audits as assigned by National Office.
  • Assists with completing and submitting to National Office Regional Treasurer’s Yearly 990 Summary.
  • Assists in regional budgetary process with Program Committee Chair for Annual Regional Event, Annual National Meeting, RADG and Executive Committee meetings.
  • Participates as a member of the Region VIII Executive Committee and other Ad-Hoc Committees as assigned.
  • Assumes duties of Regional Treasurer should the current Treasurer become unable to continue in the position.

Serves a one-year term as Treasurer-Elect immediately followed by a two-year term as Treasurer.


  • Knowledge and/or Skills: Understanding of financial statements and ability for logical decision making. Good communication and analytical skills. Ability to work as a team member on both Regional and National levels.
  • Education and/or Experience: Must be a member of Region VIII.
  • Travel to the national NCURA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. is encouraged as well as travel to the Annual Regional Event.

F. Secretary

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

The Secretary, working closely with the Chair, in collaboration with regional leadership:

  • Takes minutes and maintains records of all Region VIII business meetings and Executive Committee meetings. Ensures minutes are disseminated and retained as necessary.
  • Oversees the organization of the responsibility of the official activities of the Annual Meeting
  • Oversees the implementation of the changes of Region VIII website.
  • Works with leadership to provide adequate publicity for all Region VIII events.
  • Sets up and requests Annual Regional Event registration links as necessary.
  • Delegates to, trains and mentors the Secretary-Elect to ensure a smooth transition when term expires.
  • Serves a two-year term.


  • Travel to the national NCURA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. is encouraged as well as travel to the Annual Regional Event.
  • Education and/or Experience: Must be a member of Region VIII. Familiarity with research administration issues or specific expertise in a particular specialty area within the profession is desirable.
  • Knowledge and/or Skills: Previous experience with NCURA Region VIII activities is desirable. Research Administration experience is required.

II. Other Position Descriptions

I. Region VIII Board Member

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

The National Board Member:

  • Serves as a member of the Board of Directors, the primary governing body of NCURA, which actively supports the mission and goals of the entire organization.
  • Represents Region VIII on the Board. In concert with other Directors, control and direct the affairs of the Council and determines its policies.
  • Reviews all minutes, reports, special studies, petitions, and other documents brought before or provided to the Board.
  • Participates in special non-routine Board working groups as needed.
  • Liaises with Board appointed Task Forces as assigned.
  • Designs, deliberates and approves new policies and changes to existing policies as appropriate for the mission of the Council.
  • Liaises with Region VIII Regional Executive Committee and as such is responsible for reporting on activities or other issues that impact the Region.
  • Serves a two-year term


  • Knowledge and/or Skills: An understanding of the mission of NCURA. The ability to set aside personal and regional concerns when in conflict with acting in the best interests of the Council. An understanding of the structure and workings of the Council as a whole. An ability for logical decision making. Good communication skills. Ability to work within a team, demonstrating respect for all the players in the governance process.
  • Education and/or Experience: Must be a member of Region VIII. Familiarity with research administration issues or specific expertise in a particular specialty area within the profession is desirable.
  • Should have served on the Regional Executive Committee.
  • Travel to the national NCURA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. is encouraged as well as travel to the Annual Regional Event.

II. Annual Regional Event Chair

The Annual Regional Event Chair shall be responsible for planning and organizing the program for the Region VIII Regional Annual Event.

The Annual Regional Event Chair should either be appointed by the Regional Executive Committee or following an open call. Depending on the event, the Annual Regional Event Chair position may be separate from the Regional Executive Committee.

III. Standing Committees

A. Regional Executive Committee

The Regional Executive Committee, also referred to as the board, is made up of all officers and officers-elect. .

The appointed members of the Regional Executive Committee shall be Members of NCURA.

When requested by the Chair or the Immediate Past Chair, the Regional Executive Committee may depose a sitting officer by a two-thirds majority vote.

The Regional Executive Committee shall serve until the end of the Chair’s term. During the period between the formal announcement of the Chair’s election and the effective date of his/her term, the Regional Executive Committee’s role shall be one of assuring a smooth transition and of organizing the Regional Executive Committee for the coming year.

B. Other Committees

Ad hoc committees may be appointed at the pleasure of the Region VIII Chair to facilitate regional business and activities. No terms of office for such committees are specified, but it is understood that such committees are disbanded at the conclusion of the Region VIII Chair’s term of office unless continued or reconstituted by the incoming Regional Chair.

IV. Vacancies

In the event that an officer position is vacated, the procedures below will be followed:

Chair: the Chair-Elect will serve out the remainder of the term of the Chair, as well as the term of Chair for which they were elected. If the Chair-Elect is unable to assume the duties of the vacated Chair, the Regional Executive Committee will appoint a member to serve out the remainder of the term of Chair.

Chair-Elect: the Regional Executive Committee will appoint a member to serve as interim Chair-Elect until a special Region VIII election can be held and a new Chair-Elect announced in accordance with NCURA Region VIII Bylaws.

Immediate Past Chair: the position will remain vacant until the Chair succeeds to this office on January 1.

Treasurer: the Treasurer-Elect will serve out the remainder of the term, as well as the term of Treasurer for which they were elected. If the Treasurer-Elect is unable to assume the duties of the vacated Treasurer, the Executive Committee will appoint a member to serve out the remainder of the term of Treasurer.

Treasurer-Elect: the Executive Committee will appoint a member to serve as interim Treasurer-Elect until a special Region VIII election can be held and a new Treasurer-Elect announced in accordance with NCURA Region VIII Bylaws.

Secretary: the Executive Committee will appoint a member to serve as interim Secretary until a special Region VIII election can be held and a new Secretary announced in accordance with NCURA Region VIII Bylaws.

In the event that a non-officer position is vacated – Annual Regional Event Chairthe position may be filled at the discretion of the Chair.

VI. Meetings and Regional Events

Region VIII shall hold business meetings at the Annual Regional Event and/or at the national NCURA Annual Meeting. The agenda for the business meetings shall be the responsibility of the Region VIII Chair and shall include, when appropriate, a financial report as well as other business of interest to the membership.

Other meetings, conferences, activities, etc., may be held at the request of the Region VIII Chair with the concurrence of the Regional Executive Committee.

VII. Cash Reserve Requirement

The Region shall have at the minimum, enough cash on hand in the Regional bank account to cover the contractual obligations of the upcoming Annual Regional Event. It is the responsibility of the Officers and the Executive Committee to monitor the Regional cash balance and create an action plan when the cash balance does not meet this requirement.

VIII. Changes in the Region VIII Administrative Policies

Changes in these policies are the responsibility of the Regional Executive Committee. Changes may emanate from either individual Executive Committee members or the regional membership. All changes must be approved by a majority of the Executive Committee. These changes must then be reported to the membership no later than the next Annual Business Meeting.